Sassy Suspect

The misadventures of a single gal trying to find the balance and humor in every day life.

January 31, 2005


"This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever; in its place is something that you have left behind...let it be something good." Author Unknown

Monday morning -my new sleigh bed with the 800 thread count sheets felt like a warm embrace . Is it really Monday? ...Already?

5:30 am - alarm goes off I should be getting up and going for a morning run
6:20 - bed feels so warm - accidently kick the cat who is sleeping at my feet
(f*%$ing Cat!)

7:00 - I should have gone for my run
7:02 Phone is ringing - it's Rea - I'll call you back
7:03 Phone is ringing again - ( I crawl under the covers and kick the cat again - dang cat!)
7:06 It's Rea calling again - Must be important - okay ...I'm up -

We brieflydiscuss the ramifications of the past weekend and the actions that were taken. Laughing and worrying about the "out of character experience"

On my way to work - talk to Dad on the phone - second big hug for the day -

Boss just walked in my office - the company that bought our former parent company is pulling their acquired account manager out of our office - Don Quixote is taking over his acounts and I get my DQ (aka my boss) accounts to manage - Gee Thank-you I was already dizzy from the work piling up on my desk and now I get Don Quixote's accounts - At least it's job security.

"How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn't make it a leg."Abraham Lincoln

January 30, 2005

I'm not the only one losing it

First Brad and Jen - now Nicky and Paris?

It is rumored that Nicky and Paris are going separate ways. Their relationship has been strained because Paris was caught on tape using the N-word -this didn not sit to well with Nicole as her father, Lionel Richie, is black. Yes ladies and gentlemen Miss Hilton has once again proven she is the semblance of trash.

What is the world coming to?

January 29, 2005

Something ... in time

Something weird just happened - I am getting "fixed" up. I believe it all started last week at Starbucks. Yes my dear, the world does indeed revolve around Starbucks. The world ends at Starbucks on West Grey where there is a Starbucks on either side of the street ... the end of the consumer world. I digress. So it all started last Saturday when I was with Rea and noticed a very tall edgy guy. In my dignified, and very hung over Stevie Nicks voice simply said, "HUBBA HUBBA" - the next day I got THE CALL. "Hey Jess, I went shopping and found someone for you." For me? Equally as excited I felt like a kid going to Grandma's house waiting patiently till Grandma pulls out that special prize. You never really do know what to do with the prize but play with it none the less. Her friend has a friend who would be perfect for me... and so the diatribe begins. Okay, tell him to call me. Several days went by, Rea said, "Has he called you?" Next day, once again, "Has he called?" -No (not holding my breath). Next day, Rea says, " My friend forgot to give him your number. But he's got it now"

He called today - TODAY the day that I feel as though my brain has been sucked out of my head and someone has scrubbed it up and down on an aluminum washboard and rung it out to remove the excess liquid. As I sat there talking to him - I tried to focus and talk of mundane matters -... when in doubt - talk about sports. We spoke for a good 30 minutes. He seems like a real cool guy, attorney, edgy, fun, knows how to party ... and likes football - I'm in. However, as luck would have it, our schedules are so crazy that we can't get together until the week after next. Typical.

Met some more crazy NFL football players last night - during the course of an insane night. It was one of those moments in time when your standing there, watching your surroundings, and thinking, is this really happening? Got in from the par-tay at 5:00 a.m. safe and sound. I do not believe I have slept as late as I did since I was 12. Weird times.

January 24, 2005

Virtual WAR

'Robot soldiers' bound for IraqBBC NewsSunday, 23 January 2005

The US military is planning to deploy robots armed with machine-guns to wage war against insurgents in Iraq. Eighteen of the 1m-high robots, equipped with cameras and operated by remote control, are going to Iraq this spring, the Associated Press reports. The machine is based on a robot already used by the military to disable bombs.Officials say the robot warrior is fast, accurate and will track and attack the enemy with relatively little risk to the lives of US soldiers.Unlike its human counterparts, the armed robot does not require food, clothing, training, motivation or a pension. When not needed in war, it can be mothballed in a warehouse. A US officer who helped test the robot said it was a more accurate shot than the average soldier because it is mounted on a stable platform and takes aim electronically.

There are plans to replace the computer screen, joysticks and keypad in the remote-control unit with a Gameboy-style controller and virtual-reality goggles.

Remove the reality of war from the mind and make the experience a little more "virtual". This will make slaughtering another 100,000 Iraqis less painful for the soldiers at the controls of these robots, if indeed they are capable of feeling pain for another human being.

January 22, 2005

Integrity and Respect

"Integrity is not a conditional word. It doesn't blow in the wind or change with the weather. It is your inner image of yourself, and if you look in there and see a man who won't cheat, then you know he never will."
- John D. MacDonald

During the course of a relationship rather that be between a friend, family member, acquaintance, or a potential boyfriend/girlfriend a person is given automatic respect. Respect to who they are, what they stand for, how they carry themselves, and respect for those close to them. When that respect is lost -even if it is chalked off because of a drunken night (no excuse) - the relationship or potential of one has a dark cloud hanging over it. How long does it take for one to put the pieces of their heart back together when two people have hurt you. Two people who claim they, "had a momentary lapse of judgement".

I have been told several times that I expect to much from people, am I expecting to much from those I respect?

January 19, 2005


I just bought a pedometer and think I may be getting a little obsessed with it. Is it weird that I know its'24 steps to the diet coke machine, 5 steps to my office mates desk, 123 steps to the fax machine and 96 steps to the bathroom.

Obsessed?? Just a little

January 18, 2005


Can't sleep and cant stay awake enough to talk on the phone. This roomate thing is really bothering me - as I want to believe so strongly there is a good person buried deep with in the depths of her soul. Is it her heart that beats so strong and loud it echoes into my room? Or is it the childish laughter I share with her that makes me not want to give up on this friendship?We are not sheep or cows when we refuse to like someone - but when they embarass you time and time again... I suppose what makes each friend different is evident in each smile they give. Sure she's an attractive gal and will get you attention but substance will get you time. And afterall that is what we want, correct? Lengthy life, relationships, wealth, health, sunsets, daydreams and dinners. The rarity of the combination is so evident that I have a tear reserved specifically for each moment when I see this uniqueness in my true friends. I do not try to define my true friends but I hold enough wisdom to see the objective characteristics that make up solely what and who they are. I am still torn to let the friendship go and lose the roomate or to thank her for resisting the temptation to lose herself in the crowd, lower her inhibitions and act ... ... like a twit - crap I think I just answered the question.

Right of Passage

My condolenscens to you and your family BIG HUG!

Tricky Friendships

At what point during a realationship can you be honest with yourself that a realationship/friendship is causing more harm than good. This is a multi-faceted question. Partly because I suffer from the lost puppy dog syndrome. If I see someone who needs my help and I truely believe I can be a positive - er - personality in their life I will do my darndest to do so.
However, after the trust has been established between the said people how do you address your initial goal of helping the said person. Let's say for example one's "friend" has some social issues that you have tried to assist her with. When dealing with tender hearted situations, it's not always what you say, but how you say it. Although I am not always the most tactful person, I do try to tailor my conversations to ensure I don't harm any one's ego (although at times the ruff way of dealing with people appears). At what point do you let go of the friendship? I have tried for 6 months - am I giving up to soon? Perhaps I expect to much from people - and I see what she could be and want the best for her. Am I being to critical? Regardless, I am exhausted.

The truth is the world Is critical. The world Is tough - in business, in love, in friendship - you name it, it's there. Occasionally I make fun of people I don't even know (but who doesn't?)